Whey Protein — Top 3 Myths
When I was naive (i.e. unaware of anything about nutrition), I believed in a lot of whey protein myths. If I saw anyone with the big container of whey protein, I thought they were taking steroids and not being natural.
As I began taking it as a dietary supplement, I began to realize the benefits of whey protein. All misconceptions about whey protein got busted pretty quickly once I took charge of my own health.
There are many nutrition enthusiasts, bodybuilders, and weightlifters who know their stuff when it comes to whey protein. With this article, I aim to clear some whey protein myths and provide answers for those who may have many questions about this “paracetamol” of nutritional supplements.
Top 3 Whey Protein Myths
Aside from being perhaps the most commonly used dietary supplement, whey protein is also one of the most widely talked about supplements.
Every once in a while, you will read a lot of derivative junk and conjecture about whey protein that simply isn’t true.
Let’s busy some of those myths about whey protein.
1. Whey protein will lead to weight gain
This one looks like a figment of imagination from a frustrated bodybuilder; it’s simply not true!
Whey protein has calories. And your body needs calories to burn to function.
If you maintain a net gain of calories (energy IN — energy OUT) regularly, you will gain weight.
In terms of increased calories and weight gain, whey protein is the same as any other food group. If you eat candy or rice or even veggies mindlessly without caring about your calorie intake, you will also gain weight.
With whey protein, you will probably never have so much of it that it causes weight gain. And most whey protein brands have very low fat and carb content, so you won’t need to worry on that front.
The only risk is when you don’t watch your calories when taking whey protein. This may happen when you consume whey protein as if you are a bodybuilder but you have zero control over what you eat (i.e. you eat way beyond your daily calorie requirement!).
2. Increasing whey protein intake increases muscle mass
Let me ask you a very simple question:
What happens if you fully fill the fuel tank of your car, but don’t use the car for months on end?
The fuel just sits there in the tank. The car does not magically use it up.
Proteins (or indeed any other form of calorie intake) is the body’s fuel. One of the uses of protein in our body is to repair hypertrophied muscles.
Ultimately, proteins are amino acids. If you supply your body with proteins without using them to build muscle, it’s just going to sit there. Protein does not automatically get converted into lean muscle mass until you make your body use it through training.
So, if you are NOT making regular trips to the gym to cause hypertrophy to your muscles, your increased whey protein intake is just like any other form of calorie intake. IT’S JUST FOOD!
3. One protein bar equals one scoop of whey protein
This is another one of my favorite protein intake myths that I love to bust!
Protein bars are a man-made mixture of several ingredients.
If one of those ingredients happens to be carrageenan, you should keep it back in the aisle you picked it up from. Gina Hassick, RD, LDN, CDE states that Carrageenan can trigger an inflammatory immune response, gut irritation and lesions, and even cancer.
Whey protein powder, however, is made from whey, a natural by-product of making cheese. It originates from a protein source (i.e. milk). The ingredient makeup of the whey protein may change depending on its (isolate, hydrolyzed, etc) and the brand. But it generally contains anywhere between 20 to 30 grams of protein per scoop (along with other essential amino acids).
Protein bars, on the other hand, rarely contain more than 10 grams of protein (if they do, they are highly expensive!). They may also contain artificial sweeteners that may increase appetite.
Clearly, protein bars are an inferior source of protein when compared to whey protein. That does not mean I am all up in arms and will ask you to boycott all protein bars. They are a popular product for a reason.
The problem comes when people get confused by all misinformation and make dangerous assumptions without learning all the facts.
When buying a protein bar, take these precautions:
- Buy a bar that’s under 200 calories
- Has a low count of sugars
- Has high protein (as high as possible for your specific budget)
But remember — the golden rule of weight mathematics still applies: You will gain weight if you consume protein (from any source) while eating more total daily calories than what your body needs.
It’s best to use a protein bar as a one-off meal replacement (when you don’t have access to whey protein).
Ultimately, whey protein is a friend in your journey to fitness. But it comes with some conditions you must be aware of using it as a part of your daily nutrition.